Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives


[November 2011- October 2014]

Multimodal Perception and REasoning for Transnational Intelligent Vehicles" (PRETIV) is a three-year ANR project accepted in the framework of the Blanc International II Programme with participants from France (e-Motion of Inria, Heudiasyc of CNRS, PSA Peugeot Citroen DRIA in Velizy) and China (Peking University, PSA Peugeot Citroen Technical Center in Shanghai). The project aims at developing of an online multimodal perception system for a vehicle and offline reasoning methods, dealing with incompleteness and uncertainties in the models and sensor data, as well as at conducting experiments in typical traffic scenarios in France and China to create an open comparative dataset for traffic scene understanding. The perception system will incorporate vehicle localization, mapping of static environmental objects, detecting and tracking of dynamic objects in probabilistic frameworks through multimodal sensing data and knowledge fusion. The reasoning methods are based on sensor data to learn semantics, activity and interaction patterns (vehicle - other objects, vehicle - infrastructure) to be used as a priori information to devise effective online perception algorithms toward situation awareness. The comparative dataset will contain experimental data of typical traffic scenarios with ground-truth, which will be used to learn country-specific traffic semantics and it will be open to the public.

  • Title: self adaptive mobile perception and navigation

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • NTU (TAIWAN)

  • Duration: 2014 - 2016

  • See also: http://emotion.inrialpes.fr/people/spalanzani/HomeSAMPEN.html

  • The associate team project is a Robotic project. The aim of the project is to propose a self-adaptive system of perception combined with a system of autonomous navigation. Usually, systems of perception rely on a set of specific sensors and a calibration is done in a specific environment. We propose to develop some methods to make perception systems adaptive to the environmental context and to the set of sensors used. This perception, that can be embedded on the mobile robot as well as on home structures (wall, ceiling, floor), will be helpful to localize agents (people, robot) present in the scene. Moreover, it will give information to better understand social scenes. All information will be used by the navigation system to move with a behavior that fit the context.